Saturday, February 13, 2016

Thoughts of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day
I heard on the radio that the American spends on an average of $150 in gifts on this day. It is estimated that in America, we will spend up to 9 BILLION dollars on this day. I must confess that I was one of those guys. In my 20's and 30's, I would spend way more than $150. Balloons, candies, hotel rooms, Flowers, etc. I recently looked up on and the average price for a bouquet of roses ranges anywhere from $125 and up. This is the Valentines Day SPECIAL. On any other day, they range from $35- $55. OUCH!

In our 40's, Kim and I got married. I remember buying roses for her on Valentines Day. They were $75. She looked me in my eyes and said "As much as I appreciate this, don't buy roses on Valentines. The prices are ridiculous." I remember saying, "Oh wow, but I always do that". But she said, "On this day, don't try to show me how much you love me, I see it all year round." I want to make it clear, I am not saying not to buy your spouses flowers. (Because, I will!) Just keep everything in proper perspective.

On this day, I hope we are not trying to go out of your way to make her feel special. Because this should just be another day that we make our wives feel special because they are. EVERYDAY! So here is some advice, have flowers delivered the day before or the week after Valentine's Day to your spouse. The note should say "I don't need a holiday made up by man, to tell me when to send you flowers." Thank goodness God doesn't wait for a day to show us how much he loves us. Because he show us His love EVERYDAY!
John 3;16

God Bless,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Though don't forget to at least get her a card or something on Valentine's, otherwise you just look like you forgot and are trying to dig yourself out of a hole ;)