Friday, February 12, 2016


Thoughts from the sky....
Being a dad is very fulfilling but also very challenging. 15 years ago, I was presented with the biggest decision of my life. I remember being torn and ripped inside and out. As I placed the boys on the plane to go back to PA without me, I remember thinking what kind of father does this to his boys. For years I had to learn to deal with my pain and guilt (at times, I still do). Throughout all those years, I never knew what to say. I never knew how to feel. All I could say was, "Jesus, help me get though this." For years, I made weekly trips, weekend trips, and even day trips just to see the boys. Eric's football games, Eric's prom, Ryan's basketball championship, Ryan's football games, Ryan's prom, Ryan's ski trip for his birthday, Ryan's graduation... I tried to stay close to the boys. We flew them to Florida for holidays, weddings, and summers. Somehow, I survived those years and so did they. 

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