Friday, February 12, 2016

Treading Water

June 5, 2014

Passion thoughts:
As non-believer, it's like drowning in water. You're swimming and everything seems to be ok. Then the water gets deep and you start treading water. But after a while the water rises and it begins to over take you. You quickly realize that you could drown. You find a buoy in the water and now you feel that all will be ok. But how do you get back on dry land? So you jump back in the water, you start panicking and try desperately to reach for a life preserver. No buoy in sight. No life preserver in sight. "You can only tread water for so long...."

As a believer, we live a Christ lead life. But we get comfortable. Life is good. God is good. You feel like "YOU" have everything in control. But you don't realize you're in quick sand. Quick sand is a slow death. You could be standing on it and not realize that it's slowly pulling you down. Days, months, and sometimes years go by and you slowly keep slipping down. Then one day you realize that your shoulders deep in quick sand. Bankruptcy, divorce, problems at work, they all seem to over power you. Yea, it seems like this came out of the blue but you never realize that you've been in quick sand for a very long time. The more you struggle the quicker it seems to take you down.

Both instances are the same for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our life preserver. He saves you from the rushing waters of life and puts you on safe ground He reaches deep into the quick sand and pulls you out of the sinking sands. In both instances, it is up to us to realize that without HIM we can't survive the struggles of this life.

"Acknowledge HIM in all your ways and HE will direct your path."

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